
Sirena has a multifunction~purify the air, household vacuuming, deep clean mattresses to remove dust mites, absorb water, clean pets, blow balloon etc. So customers will call us “total home cleaning system, water vacuum cleaner, dust mite cleaner, hydro cleaner……”

Sirena​​​ 擁有多種功能,淨化空氣丶家居吸塵丶深層床褥除蟎丶吸水丶吸寵物丶吹風等等,所以顧客會稱呼我們做『多功能清潔系統丶水龍捲吸塵機丶除塵蟎機……』


  • Upholstery Tool – Fabric item eg. Curtains, fabric sofa, cushions, pillows, furry doll etc
  • Dusting Brush – Hard surface furniture eg. air-conditioners, fans, , venetian blinds, computer, eyboard, cabinets etc
  • Inflation Tool – Blow balloons, swimming floats (Connect to the back of Sirena exhaust)
  • Crevice Tool – Alll the corners. eg. Sofa, ceiling, wall
  • Floor Brush – Floor, Wall, Wall Paper & Ceiling
  • Power Nozzle – deep clean Mattress, Carpet & Fabric Furniture

  • 除塵刷:柔軟馬尾毛,可使用於電腦鍵盤丶書本丶玩具等
  • 充氣工具:可吹充氣物品,還可吸細小的地方
  • 地牆刷:可用於磁磚丶木地板,更可清潔牆壁
  • 布藝刷:清潔布藝製品,乾/濕兩用,拆除毛刷可吸水
  • 隙縫清潔工具:清潔狹窄位和牆壁角落
  • 電動床褥拍打器:有效深層清潔床褥丶地氈丶梳化